10 Inspection & Eligibility Rules
This section describes the rules governing
At each event, the Lead
The inspection process may progress in blocks, i.e. it may pause for a team’s Practice
While there is no specific defined procedure in place for teams to be re-inspected prior to Playoff
Prior to the start of a
An Inspection Checklist is available to help teams self-inspect their
10.1 Rules
I101 *It’s your team’s Robot.
This rule requires that the
Examples of
- a. manipulate ,GAME PIECES
- b. manipulate a element, andFIELD
- c. move the around theROBOT. Examples that would generally not be consideredFIELD, and thus probably aren’t subject to this rule include, but are not limited to, the following:MAJOR MECHANISMS
- a. a gearbox assembly,
- c. items. Neither this rule nor the language in this blue box define specific thresholds for how much of aCOTSmust be the result of the team’s effort. This rule expects and requires the team’s honest assessment of whether they built theMAJOR MECHANISMof theirMAJOR MECHANISMS.ROBOT
Attempts to exploit loopholes in the definition of
- a. assembling pieces of a provided by another team, exceptMAJOR MECHANISMkits andCOTS
- b. receiving a mostly complete from another team and providing a small piece.MAJOR MECHANISM
I102 *Get inspected before playing a Qualification/Playoff Match.
A team is only permitted to participate in a Qualification or Playoff
Please take note of this rule. It is important that FIRST Robotics Competition teams ensure their
I103 *Bring it all to inspection.
At the time of inspection, the
I104 *Unless the change is listed below, any change to a Robot must get re-inspected.
Exceptions are listed in A through F (unless they result in a significant change to the
- A. addition, relocation, or removal of fasteners (e.g. cable ties, tape, and rivets),
- B. addition, relocation, or removal of labeling or marking,
- C. revision of code,ROBOT
- D. replacement of a COTSwith an identicalCOMPONENTCOTS,COMPONENT
- E. replacement of a with an identicalMECHANISM(size, weight, material), andMECHANISM
- F. additions, removals, or reconfiguration of with a subset ofROBOTalready inspected per I103.MECHANISMS
I105 *Don’t exploit re-inspection.
Teams may not use the re-inspection process in I104 to circumvent the weight limit in I103.
This restriction is not intended to prevent a team from returning to a previous configuration (e.g. due to an unsuccessful upgrade or failure of a new
Example 1: A
Example 2: A
Example 3: A team arrives at an event with a
I106 *Robots are off for inspection (mostly).
For the safety of all those involved,
Power and air pressure should only be enabled on the
- A. the design requires power or a charged stored energy device in order to confirm that theROBOTmeets volume requirements andROBOT
- B. the team has included safety interlocks that mitigate unexpected release of such stored energy.
The team may be asked to demonstrate these interlocks during the inspection process.
I107 *No student, no inspection.
At least 1
Exceptions may be made for major conflicts, e.g. religious holidays, major testing, transportation issues, etc.
9 ROBOT Construction Rules
The rules listed below explicitly address legal parts and materials and how those parts and materials may be used on a CHARGED UP ROBOT. A ROBOT is an electromechanical assembly built by the FIRST Robotics Competition team to play the current season’s game and includes all the basic systems required to be an active participant in the game –power, communications, control, BUMPERS, and movement about the FIELD. A BUMPER is a protective assembly designed to attach to the exterior of the ROBOT and constructed as specified in Section 9.4 BUMPER Rules.
11 Tournaments
Each 2023 FIRST® Robotics Competition event is played in a tournament format. Each tournament consists of 3 types of MATCHES: Practice MATCHES (not necessarily played at all District Events), Qualification MATCHES, and Playoff MATCHES.